CONTENT LINKS for Mystic Movie Night ‘ET Disclosure: The Great Awakening’ on Wednesday, July 19th
The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It
Dr. Greer's 2023 National Press Club Event
Disclosure Project 2001
Whistleblower David Grusch - Full Interview
Wendy Kennedy Language of Light
Ben Rich: We now have the technology to take ET home
E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial: Going back home
Sonoro Aero Club
1897 Aurora UFO Incident
Mohenjo daro
Nuclear weapons on mars
Dr John Trump Uncle Tesla’s secret weapon
Monolith on Mars Moon
Bashar Highest Excitement Formula
We’re back! After a 3 year hiatus Mystic Movie night returns with the most important story of our lifetime: ET Disclosure. We’ll be showing portions of Steven Greer’s new film ‘The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It’, and much more. TRAILER
Unless you’ve been on a news fast you’ve probably noticed that the mainstream media is finally taking the centuries-long UFO cover-up seriously. High-level, credible whistle-blowers like David Grusch are stepping forward, members of congress are being briefed, congressional hearings are being held, and the public's great awakening that we are not alone is finally here–but only if we the people demand it.
Why is this so significant? In short, the medical and energy technology that could transform our world will finally be revealed over time. Our planet is at an environmental tipping point, and the veil of secrecy by those who have illegally hoarded power and resources is finally tearing. But how is the ET narrative being spun by those in charge, and is the ET presence a threat or blessing?
This Mystic Movie Night will be discussion based. Our first selections will cover the evidence of ET contact in our ancient past, as well the secret societies who have carried the knowledge forward into modern times. You’ll learn about the little known ‘Senora Aero Club’ that began to re-engineer advanced aircraft in the old American West. Then we’ll move on to current whistle blowers and show portions of Steven Greer’s film.
Are you way out there, eccentric, or a little geeky? Do you like to dive deep into the unknown, think around corners, take the red pill, stay in wonderland and see how deep the rabbit hole goes? Are you frustrated by trying to have an intelligent conversation while being rattled by bass beats, and like to think more than drink? Do you like edgy podcasts, ground-breaking science and trippy conversations? Are you interested in the shift, expanding human consciousness and cosmic evolution?
Excellent! Then you'll love Mystic Movie Night and discussion group. This is a rare opportunity to watch conscious media then geek out with people who share the same passion for the great mystery, and give us all an opportunity to have fun, learn and grow. Jessica and I will be opening up our multi-media home theater just for this purpose, so if you would like to be informed of future gatherings let me know. Also, I'd love to hear your suggestions about conscious media to share.
Save the earth and BRING YOUR OWN CUP, BOWL AND TASTY SNACKS TO SHARE, thank you! Mystic Movie Night is a free-thought zone. All ideas and systems of belief are welcome, open-minded skepticism is encouraged, and we don't attempt to control what you eat, think or drink. We encourage high frequency food choices (organic, wild caught, free-range, non-GMO) but we are not food elitist, and recognize everyone’s body is beautifully different. Finally, it can be cool up here, so bring some fuzzy blankets, pillows and animal slippers to make yourself extra comfortable.
(Blade Runner, Longevity Science, Telomeres, & the Golden Dragon Body), (Her), (Edgar Cayce, Telepathy & Higher Guidance THEME with special guest Psychic/Channel Liah Howard), (The MIND-BLOWING Case of Whistleblower Corey Goode & the Secret Space Program), (Theta Hypnosis Experience with E-Motion the Movie), (The Force, Jedi Mind Powers & the Fully Conscious Human Being), (Alternative 3 and the Secret Space Program), (Portals, Time Travel, and Alternate Dimensions), (Paul), (Spiritual vs. Material Technology for Human Enhancement & Transhumanism), (Sirius by Steven Greer), (The Mindful Carnivore), (Altered States), (2012 Science or Superstition), (Take Your Power Back), (New Paradigm Relationships), (Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman), (Banned Ted Talks by G.Hancock and Sheldrake, Pleiadian Downloads), (Atlantis & Lemuria), (Human Origins, DNA, and ET’s), (Minority Report), (Kumare, Indonesian Pyramids, & Pleiadian Energy Practice), (Ancient Mysteries and Lost Civilizations), (Cloud Atlas), (Dreamed Up Reality), (Flipside), (Electronic Awakening), (John Carter of Mars), (In The Beginning There Was Light - Feeding On Light Without Food or Water),(Star Wars The Force Awakens),