Every single night we enter an amazing portal into our subconscious minds in the form of dreams. Our deepest desires as well as fears are all poetically expressed here in vivid detail and rich symbolism. Yet our dreams are far more than nonsensical processes occurring in the brain or trippy hallucinations from bad pizza—if you listen, REALLY LISTEN, dreams are our greatest teachers. They masterfully inform us on how we are really feeling, where our current path is leading us, and how we can change our course if needed.
The progression of history itself has been driven by the power of dreams. They fill us with hope and inspiration, paint the picture of our highest potential, and illuminate us with phenomenal inventions and new ways of thinking. Our Higher Awareness speaks to us with the majesty of dreams.
Everyone dreams, and everyone can learn to remember, analyze and interpret their dreams, as well as apply them to their daily lives. Ancient indigenous cultures all understood the value of dreams, but somewhere along the line many of us have become separated from our innate source of natural wisdom.
• Give you self-empowering tools to remember, track and interpret your dreams
• Assist you in learning and understanding the language of dreams and decoding their symbols
• Help you identify obstacles that have been holding you back as well as pinpoint dream keys to new ways thinking.
• Guide you on the path of living your dreams
Dream Coaching Sessions are available for $65 for a ½ hr. session, or $100 for a full hour.
Illustration by Douglas DeBoer