What if you could ask anything and receive clear, loving answers that are perfect for you in this moment of time? Your Higher Awareness knows everything about you, the purpose of your life, how to experience more joy, and how to heal. The exciting news is that the answers you seek are always there, deep within.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis directly accesses what is commonly referred to as the 'Higher Self' or superconcious/universal mind, the aspect of our consciousness that has unlimited wisdom. This loving presence is known by many names, but no matter what you call it, this brilliant voice is always there, and it’s ready to provide answers to your deepest questions, as well as facilitate miraculous healing.
A QHHT session is $270 - $500, sliding scale. You can pay for your session via Paypal or Venmo to book your date.
Dolores Cannon developed and perfected QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) over a career that spanned nearly 50 years. Her pioneering process achieves the deepest state of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance. This state of mind is perfectly natural, safe, and is experienced 2 times per day by everyone: just before you wake up and right before you fall asleep.
Most hypnotist do not work with the deepest trance state, and as a result, they rarely access the full healing potential, knowledge and power of the superconscious mind. Here, Dolores discovered that virtually anything is possible. Her clients often found that the origin of their emotional and physical ailments were rooted in long forgotten childhood trauma or past lives. She was also able to assist clients in navigating to other worlds, or even in between the life and death state, were they obtained answers to their deepest questions.
Dolores found that this aspect of consciousness was independent of any culture, philosophy, scientific or spiritual belief. Everyone's superconscious Higher Awareness is capable of accessing information at the quantum level of pure energy, a dimension of connection beyond time and space where everything is ONE. The Australian Aboriginal’s referred to this state as the ‘Dreamtime’, or ‘all-at-once’ time, where past, present and future existed simultaneously as the same thing. The results of QHHT speak for themselves, and provide everyone the opportunity to feel the profound sense of peace, love, health and knowing that is your natural state of being.
You can find out more about QHHT and Dolores Cannon at their official website here: qhhtofficial.com
The state of mind called ‘hypnosis’ is nothing really strange at all, and you’re already very familiar with it. You are most often in a state of light hypnosis when you drive, paint, play music or watch TV, and you pass through deep hypnosis just before and after you sleep. As you approach your dreams, the frequency of your brain waves begin to slow down from waking BETA consciousness (alert: 16 – 30 Hertz) to ALPHA (light trance: 8 – 15 Hertz), and then become slower still as you enter into THETA (deep trance/dreaming: 4 – 7 Hertz), and then on to DELTA (deep sleep: 0.1 – 3 Hertz). Hypnosis takes place in that very peaceful time in between being fully awake, and fully asleep. It’s simply a state of relaxed, yet focused awareness, but it’s also a very magical time.
Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state of being. In fact, it’s the state of mind that dominated our early years of life during which we formulated our core beliefs in our subconscious mind. It’s a little known scientific fact that babies’ brains operate exclusively at the Delta level (adult sleeping state) until the age of 4, and no higher than the Theta (deep trance/dreaming) level until about the age of 7. It’s amazing that children’s brain waves operate no higher than the Alpha (light trance) state until they hit puberty—young children are literally in a permanent state of hypnosis! Nature provided an incredible mechanism that allows young, developing minds a way to fully absorb information, adapt to their environment, and learn at an astonishing rate.
At this age we are an open book, and we are literally writing the stories that will influence us the rest of our lives. We are like sponges that absorb many of the positive attributes of our environment, but we also unconsciously accept many of the distorted beliefs and perceptions of the people around us. These stories are like computer programs that are constantly running in the background. Beliefs like ‘I am not loved’, ‘I cannot trust’, and ‘I am worthless’ are often anchored in our subconscious minds when we are young by events that seem insignificant to us as adults; however, to a child they can be earth-shaking.
These distorted beliefs (programs) often become the default operating system of our lives. We unconsciously broadcast these programs to the world, and the events of our lives tend to validate and reinforce our mistaken beliefs. Our conscious mind may want desperately to change, yet underneath it all we are ruled by the power of our subconscious beliefs. We are most often unaware of the programs that are really running the show.
QHHT directly addresses the unhealthy belief programs in the subconscious mind then goes even deeper to access the wisdom of the Higher Awareness. The Higher Awareness, which is unbound by time and space, can assist you in clearing even deeper programming at the genetic, ancestral, and Soul level of consciousness. We can identify the true source of what has been bothering us, as well as firmly establish new, healthier patterns of behavior. We are all like beautiful diamonds inside, brilliant beings of light with unlimited potential. Letting go of self limiting beliefs help us shine more fully.
QHHT helps you identify and release long standing programs that have been 'running the show', on autopilot, for your entire life. It feels amazing to let go of beliefs that no longer serve you, and anchor new programs that are more in alignment with your true nature. You will gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of your life and have the profound experience of directly feeling the power, majesty, wisdom and love of your own Higher Awareness.
There are countless reports of physical healing during QHHT sessions that cannot be explained by conventional science. Tumors have disappeared overnight, cancers eradicated, and wounds have regenerated with no scarring. There is a purpose and plan to every life, and when you are ready, when the time is appropriate, literally anything is possible.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis consists of 3 main parts. This is deep work that is not rushed in any way. You have the time and space to relax completely and fully express what you wish to discover, as well as time to integrate the healing you receive in a safe and loving place. This pace allows you to easily reach the deepest level of trance possible and access the wisdom of your Higher Awareness. The Universe will support you in every way possible when you put your focus on your Soul’s evolution.
Part 1 – Preliminary Discussion
During this time we will talk about what has been going on with you, and why you decided to have a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. I provide information that will prepare you for your session, answer any questions you have, and discuss the issues that you seek better clarity on.
The questions you have, and the wording you choose, are a key part of the process. Your Higher Awareness responds directly to the answers you seek. Some people have many specific questions, while others are simply curious. This is the time where we will discover in depth what will be explored.
Ask your Higher Awareness to help you formulate your questions in the days preceding your session. You will be amazed by what begins to happen before your session even begins.
Part 2 – Hypnotic Induction and Trance
Most people are very curious about what the hypnotic state is like. Actually, as mentioned above, it’s nothing strange at all. Hypnosis is very natural, just like falling asleep, just like entering a dream – something you do every evening. The only difference is that you are also alert and aware, fully able to discuss what you are experiencing, much like in a guided meditation.
You will be completely relaxed, comfortable, and safe. The entire process is a very enjoyable experience, a luxury to have the time and space to let go an open up to your highest wisdom. You will be guided to the most appropriate time and place for you to examine, the place that your own Higher Awareness has chosen for you, with no effort at all on your part. Much healing occurs on every level of being. All of your questions will be addressed during your session.
Many people are also curious if they can be hypnotized. Personally, I have never had a client that could not be hypnotized. If you can visualize a gorgeous sunset or feel the warm sun on your face you are already an expert. You don’t even have to be able to ‘see’ anything in your mind’s eye; simply being aware of how you are feelings is all that is needed. Your sincere desire to explore the great mysteries of life has already put your mind in the perfect space for miraculous things to happen.
You will be fully aware of what is happening the entire time, yet parts of the session may seem a little fuzzy afterward, just like when you awaken from a dream. That’s why everything is recorded, and you will be provided with an MP3 audio file of your entire session. You will be able to review every word and ponder the incredible wisdom of your own Soul’s Higher Awareness. I’m always amazed and inspired at the beauty, love and wisdom that this level of consciousness offers, and I honor and respect it deeply.
Part 3—Integration
You are gently guided out of trance to a fully refreshed, waking state of awareness, and we take the time and space needed to put everything into place. We will discuss your extraordinary journey through time and space, and examine the great wisdom that your Higher Awareness has offered. Often, many layers begin to unfold here, and much joy is experienced as the answers to long veiled questions are seen clearly.
A key part of this work is the integration of your experience well after your session has ended. You will, no doubt, continue the process of unfolding for many days and weeks to come, in deep honor and respect for the answers your Higher Awareness has provided. Often, your Higher Awareness provides symbols and keys that will reinforce and deepen your healing. I always follow up with every client, and I’m here to support you in any way I can.
Q: How many sessions are required for a full treatment?
A: One session alone offers thorough, deep work, and is often enough to facilitate a very profound level of healing. However, many issues have multiple layers, and sometimes multiple sessions can be very helpful. One QHHT session is often more effective then multiple light hypnosis sessions.
Self empowerment is very important to me. My goal is to provide you with the tools and training to easily access your own inner wisdom through meditation and dreams. Every session includes helpful hints, handout materials and tools that assist in that process. You will also receive keys that will reinforce and deepen the work that we do in the days and weeks to come.
Q: Can I bring a friend or loved-one to the session?
A: Yes, but they will be required to wait outside for the duration of the session. It is important that we have a free, open space for information to emerge. Then, you can decide later what you wish to discuss about your session.
Q: How much does a Quantum Healing Hypnosis session cost?
A: Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions are $270 - $500, sliding scale. Most sessions last about 4 hrs, but a QHHT session may easily go longer. I recommend reserving a space of 5 hours to complete your session.
Q: Do you have a cancellation policy?
A: As I reserve nearly an entire day of my time for your session it’s important to stick to the date. However, if you need to reschedule, you can do so at no extra charge 7 days in advance. If you need to cancel or re-schedule 1 - 6 days before your QHHT session you will forfeit 50% of your payment.
Q: How do I schedule a session?
A: Contact me through this website or at douglasdeboer@startmail.com. You may also call me at 808.268.7933 for a free preliminary consultation. I’d love to answer any questions you have about QHHT.